These pictures are from the Truman home in Independence where Bess was born and she and Harry lived all their married life. It was such a peaceful place and you could really imagine this no-nonsense guy spending his time here. Notice the picture of the back yard. This is the lawn he had the Secret Service mow for him.
These were some of the many exhibits in the Truman Library. From Harry's car, safety plug on the bomb dropped on Nagasaki, the pen used to sign the document ending the fighting in Europe, a loaner from the George Bush Library showing Millie the dog's gift of satin pajamas, to a case filled with items from a number of presidents and their wives. (Mamie's and Jackie's hats, Johnson boots, Reagan jacket) Since there were case after case of this kind of exhibit, perhaps you can understand why we can't rush. We want to see everything!
Along the route of the Pony Express! Makes us appreciate our loyal steed, The Green Avalon
Lee and Judi with Vonda Cooper, their distant "cousin" by marriage. She is has worked for Leonard for 30 years. This is Leonard! A true Kansas character. He is proudly showing us his refurbished very early Maytag washing machine. The other picture shows some of his collection of antique washing machines, and notice the tin ceiling. To die for!!!

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