From Watertown, SD on a windy rainy evening! Where did the heat go? If feels like winter. We went from fanning ourselves and mopping our brows to wishing we had a few more layers on. But I'm getting ahead of myself. The pictures are from the last couple of days:
1. Judi and Gerry at the "Wide Missouri" Chamberlain, SD
2. Bob and Bob, two fishermen from Sioux Falls looking for fish
3. Cabelas, world's foremost outfitter
4. Lee and Gerry at Cabelas
5. The famous Corn Palace, Mitchell SD
6. Sam Martin and his chocolate lab, Max
7. Lee and Harley
8. Lindsay Martin, Harley, and Judi
9. Sam and Lindsay at the fast pitch softball game
10. Lindsay at bat
11. Lindsay pitching
Friday morning we were up bright and early in Chamberlain and headed for Watertown, SD. We stopped down the road (from our fabulous Holiday Inn Express) at the "Big Muddy". We wanted to at least dip our fingers in, so had been directed to a marina on the western side of the river. We were the only car in the parking lot at the public boat launch until Bob and Bob drove in pulling their fishing boat and looking for walleye or bass. All they found in the parking lot were the Gotta Go Girls. Had a nice chat with them about fishing, the Missouri River, and the fun of being retired! They also gave us very good directions to Cabela's which we knew virtually nothing about.
Down the road about an hour we came to this mecca for hunting, fishing and outdoor gear. Mitchell, South Dakota has not only the Corn Palace but this huge Cabela's. It really defies description and we three ladies found enough to keep us there for over three hours. Can't talk about the things we bought, though. Some people will just have to wait a few months! Since we had shopped until we were about to drop, we decided to have a late lunch there and feasted on smoked elk sandwiches. Finally we were back in the car and headed to Watertown. Oh wait, we had to stop first at the Corn Palace. This has been a tradition in Mitchell, SD since 1897. Every year they harvest 11 different varieties (colors) of corn and make these huge "corn by number" pictures. The weather was really warm and by the time we left Mitchell we were mopping our brows again, and under crystal clear skies we drove past Sioux Falls and headed north to Watertown.
We checked into another fabulous Holiday Inn Express, Judi called Sam, and we jumped in the car and drove to his house. Daughter Lindsay was also there along with the big chocolate lab and the cutest Pomeranian, Harley. We are impressed with the neat and tidy layout of Watertown. It is surrounded by corn fields but we are also back in the land of Starbucks and Target. There are 25,000 inhabitants and it looks prosperous. Lindsay's mom owns a pizza parlor downtown so that is where we headed for a late dinner. Crashed into bed when we got "home".
There was an interesting thing going on when we got to the motel. We noticed all these little girls coming in with sleeping bags and presents. There is a large indoor waterpark here and soon the pizza delivery guy came in with food for the birthday party! Sam told us that people in Watertown will check into the motel in the dead of winter and enjoy a couple of days of resort living right here in their hometown. What a great idea. No passports, long security lines, or lost luggage.
Had a huge shock when we got up this morning. It was thickly overcast and beginning to rain! Turned on the Weather Channel to learn that temperatures would be in the low 50's! What happened to summer????? We picked up Sam and Lindsay and took a ride around town and out to see Lindsay's lovely home in the country. It is also surrounded by corn fields and Sam told a funny story about one of the many deer who have wandered out of the nearby woods and into the yard. This individual had a fight with a deer statue that was standing in front of the house and the statue lost! Had a chance to meet another dog and big old yellow cat and then on to the ball park where Lindsay had a softball game. Judi had her heavy jacket in the car but Lee and I were out of luck. We found a blanket in the trunk and huddled under that until Sam took pity on us and suggested we go for a ride and lunch. Applebee's never looked so good! We stopped by his house for more blankets and returned to the ball park just in time for Lindsay's game. They played hard but came up a couple of runs short. We wanted to scream at the umpire when he called Lindsay out at first base but decided it wouldn't look good for the Gotta Go Girls to be ejected from the stands!
After the game we went to the Terri Redlund Art Center. Redlund is from Watertown and after a very successful career in graphic arts and paintings with midwestern themes he has returned here and built this beautiful center. Unfortunately it was closing in 15 minutes so we will return on Monday morning to finish the tour. Dropped Lindsay and Sam off and shivered our way back to the motel with a brief stop at my favorite store in the universe, The Dollar Tree. Naps, writing letters, and just hanging out has occupied us. Judi went back to spend the evening with Lindsay and Sam, and Lee and I are doing our own things. Feels good to have a bit of down time.
Tomorrow we are heading to DeSmet, Laura Ingalls Wilder's little house on the prairie. Yes it is the real thing!!!!! Full report tomorrow.
All the best from the Gotta Go Girls