Saturday, September 8, 2007

Across the Wide Missouri and On We Go.

From Watertown, SD on a windy rainy evening! Where did the heat go? If feels like winter. We went from fanning ourselves and mopping our brows to wishing we had a few more layers on. But I'm getting ahead of myself. The pictures are from the last couple of days:

1. Judi and Gerry at the "Wide Missouri" Chamberlain, SD

2. Bob and Bob, two fishermen from Sioux Falls looking for fish

3. Cabelas, world's foremost outfitter

4. Lee and Gerry at Cabelas

5. The famous Corn Palace, Mitchell SD

6. Sam Martin and his chocolate lab, Max

7. Lee and Harley

8. Lindsay Martin, Harley, and Judi

9. Sam and Lindsay at the fast pitch softball game

10. Lindsay at bat

11. Lindsay pitching

Friday morning we were up bright and early in Chamberlain and headed for Watertown, SD. We stopped down the road (from our fabulous Holiday Inn Express) at the "Big Muddy". We wanted to at least dip our fingers in, so had been directed to a marina on the western side of the river. We were the only car in the parking lot at the public boat launch until Bob and Bob drove in pulling their fishing boat and looking for walleye or bass. All they found in the parking lot were the Gotta Go Girls. Had a nice chat with them about fishing, the Missouri River, and the fun of being retired! They also gave us very good directions to Cabela's which we knew virtually nothing about.

Down the road about an hour we came to this mecca for hunting, fishing and outdoor gear. Mitchell, South Dakota has not only the Corn Palace but this huge Cabela's. It really defies description and we three ladies found enough to keep us there for over three hours. Can't talk about the things we bought, though. Some people will just have to wait a few months! Since we had shopped until we were about to drop, we decided to have a late lunch there and feasted on smoked elk sandwiches. Finally we were back in the car and headed to Watertown. Oh wait, we had to stop first at the Corn Palace. This has been a tradition in Mitchell, SD since 1897. Every year they harvest 11 different varieties (colors) of corn and make these huge "corn by number" pictures. The weather was really warm and by the time we left Mitchell we were mopping our brows again, and under crystal clear skies we drove past Sioux Falls and headed north to Watertown.
We checked into another fabulous Holiday Inn Express, Judi called Sam, and we jumped in the car and drove to his house. Daughter Lindsay was also there along with the big chocolate lab and the cutest Pomeranian, Harley. We are impressed with the neat and tidy layout of Watertown. It is surrounded by corn fields but we are also back in the land of Starbucks and Target. There are 25,000 inhabitants and it looks prosperous. Lindsay's mom owns a pizza parlor downtown so that is where we headed for a late dinner. Crashed into bed when we got "home".
There was an interesting thing going on when we got to the motel. We noticed all these little girls coming in with sleeping bags and presents. There is a large indoor waterpark here and soon the pizza delivery guy came in with food for the birthday party! Sam told us that people in Watertown will check into the motel in the dead of winter and enjoy a couple of days of resort living right here in their hometown. What a great idea. No passports, long security lines, or lost luggage.
Had a huge shock when we got up this morning. It was thickly overcast and beginning to rain! Turned on the Weather Channel to learn that temperatures would be in the low 50's! What happened to summer????? We picked up Sam and Lindsay and took a ride around town and out to see Lindsay's lovely home in the country. It is also surrounded by corn fields and Sam told a funny story about one of the many deer who have wandered out of the nearby woods and into the yard. This individual had a fight with a deer statue that was standing in front of the house and the statue lost! Had a chance to meet another dog and big old yellow cat and then on to the ball park where Lindsay had a softball game. Judi had her heavy jacket in the car but Lee and I were out of luck. We found a blanket in the trunk and huddled under that until Sam took pity on us and suggested we go for a ride and lunch. Applebee's never looked so good! We stopped by his house for more blankets and returned to the ball park just in time for Lindsay's game. They played hard but came up a couple of runs short. We wanted to scream at the umpire when he called Lindsay out at first base but decided it wouldn't look good for the Gotta Go Girls to be ejected from the stands!
After the game we went to the Terri Redlund Art Center. Redlund is from Watertown and after a very successful career in graphic arts and paintings with midwestern themes he has returned here and built this beautiful center. Unfortunately it was closing in 15 minutes so we will return on Monday morning to finish the tour. Dropped Lindsay and Sam off and shivered our way back to the motel with a brief stop at my favorite store in the universe, The Dollar Tree. Naps, writing letters, and just hanging out has occupied us. Judi went back to spend the evening with Lindsay and Sam, and Lee and I are doing our own things. Feels good to have a bit of down time.
Tomorrow we are heading to DeSmet, Laura Ingalls Wilder's little house on the prairie. Yes it is the real thing!!!!! Full report tomorrow.
All the best from the Gotta Go Girls

To: J. Cabrinha

Nearing Minnesota - awaiting further information re Minneapolis mensroom.


P. S. Sending another pkg. on Monday. Loved hearing from you even about . . .

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Still in South Dakota!

OK! Now we have really run out of superlatives!!! First the pictures.
1. Gerry riding a "Jackalope" at the famous Wall Drugstore in Wall, South Dakota
2. Judi and Lee enjoying one of MANY scenic spots we stopped at in Badlands National Park
3. This scenery is awesome!
4. Rattlesnakes love prairie dogs
5. A stop outside the park at Prairie Homestead to see a sod house which is on the National Register of Historic Places.

We continue to marvel at the beautiful and surprising country we are traveling through. We said good-bye to Mt. Rushmore this morning and drove along Interstate 40 to Wall, South Dakota. The Wall Drugstore was promoted in the 40's with free ice water to get people to stop on their journey east or west. Well, it was a huge promotional success! The drugstore takes up one long block and is chock-a-block with souvenirs, jewelry, toys, cowboy stuff, sundries, clothes, rides, water fountains, camping gear, statuary from dinosaurs to Jackalopes, free coffee and doughnuts to honeymooners, an animated cowboy band, and another cowboy quartet, restaurants, snack bars, and a soda foutain, exceptional native American and Cowboy paintings, rocks for the rockhounds, etc., etc., etc. I have never seen such a place!

We said we would only stay an hour and it was hard to tear ourselves away but we needed to get on down the road and we literally went 2 blocks and stopped again at a visitor's center for the National Forest Service devoted to the Grasslands. The exhibits were exceptional and we got a lot of questions answered that had occured to us as we drove through Montana and the Dakotas.

And then we drove into Badlands National Park. We entered to take the hour long scenic route bu we lost track of the time as we stopped at almost every scenic view spot. We took turns driving so everyone got a chance to sit in the front and enjoy the view. It was phenomenal! Around every turn was another incredible vista. Pictures do not do it justice. You are riding along with the rolling prairie on one side of the road and the earth drops away to some kind of other worldly moonscape on the the other side! We were stunned by the colors of the rock formations which were unlike anything we had ever seen. In addition to all the geological masterpieces, we encountered several prairie dog towns just along side the road. We were able to stop and watch the little critters who are in the middle of a huge disagreement between ranchers and the Park Service. Another one of those environmental dilemmas! All in all the Badlands was quite an experience. We ended up at the Interperative Center for more outstanding exhibits trying to educate and raise the awareness of millions of people who pass by every year. The National Park Service is our hero of the week!

When we exited the Park we came upon Prairie Homestead which is a private concession of a restored homestead with a sod house, chickens and geese, farm implements, outhouse, and a prairie dog town with white (!) prairie dogs. It was worth the $5 and the time. Judi encountered some more turkeys but couldn't get them to gobble to her in conversation. Thouogh she is not successful she does put her heart and soul into it and we have made her the official animal noise maker! Lee and I laugh until we are about to collapse!

Of course there were also the obligatory stops for souvenir shopping and eating and now it is time to hit the Post Office again to ship things home. I'm sure I have put on 10 pounds since we left! Great continental breakfasts at every motel we're staying in and then there are all the other meals! Oh well, we can diet when we get home. Big rainstorm with lightning when we came out from dinner tonight but it has slackened off and hope to have clear skies tomorrow. We have been so fortunate to enjoy wonderful weather. Have been on the road 2 weeks tomorrow!

From the Badlands we drove on a couple of hours to Chamberlain, SD which is on the west side of the Missouri River. Will stop by tomorrow to dip our toes in. We saw it today as we came in to town and that is a big river!!! We are staying at another Holiday Inn Express. This is turning out to be our motel of choice at least here in the midwest. Our room is huge, well decorated and new, many amenities, under $100, and I could live here! Did have a bit of a problem in Keystone yesterday. I forgot our room number and had to go to the desk. Some of the things and places are sort of melting together in my mind, so I am glad to have this blog to help me review where we are from day to day!!!!

It's been great hearing from many of you and be able to stay in touch with our family and friends. But, Jerry C. Why a picture of the men's room at the airport in Minneapolis? That has us stumped. We'll do it, but have to ask why! (LOL)

We're in a new time zone and it is now almost midnight! So better get some rest to be up for new adventures tomorrow. Stopping by the Corn Palace in Mitchell. We know it is hokie but there are some things you just have to do. Spending the weekend in Watertown, SD with Judi's stepson and granddaughter. Laura Ingalls Wilder here we come!!!!!

Love to all, The Gotta Go Girls

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

From Huge Carvings to Little Critters

The pictures are as follows: (This is for those of you who only want to look at the pictures and not waste time reading all about our adventure! Don't know how you will pass the test at the end though!)

1. GGG at Mt. Rushmore
2. In all its glory
3. New friends, Gayle and Diane
4. Needles Highway, notice tunnel
5. Judi's wild turkeys

Where to start!!!! Today was warm but pleasant. We started out at the Gutzon Borglum museum in Keystone to learn about the construction of Mt. Rushmore and the life of this incredible sculptor. Mind blowing how those huge faces could be carved out of the granite. Then on for lots more information at the Memorial. I never realized how much dynamite was used in the sculpting of the mountain. It is really awe inspiring and the Mt. Rushmore Museum is excellent. Walked a short trail out to the base of the mountain and met a couple of gals from near home in California. We ooohed and aaahed over our small world and thanks, Diane and Gayle, for taking my picture. Yours turned out pretty good too. Diane lives here in South Dakota now and had great suggestions about Custer State Park. More on that later.

The Gotta Go Girls met back at the very nice cafeteria for lunch. Had to have one more of those bison burgers. The shopping was also pretty good in the gift store also but can't talk about that as we are picking up lots of nice surprises! Shhhhh! We then drove almost 20 miles to the Crazy Horse Memorial to see that sculpture celebrating the lives of all native Americans. It is a very ambitious project and no federal money is being used. When completed the entire complex will be grand and the sculpture which is continually worked on will rival Mt. Rushmore.

From there we drove back the very slow and scenic route through Custer State Park. This was the first chance we had to see quite a bit of wildlife. A number of huge bison! Lots of mule and white tailed deer, antelopes (we think), silly little chipmunks begging for food and playing chicken with the car, and my favorite--wild turkeys. My preference may have had something to do with the fact that Judi attempted to attract their attention by gobbling at them and I laughed so hard I thought I would wet my pants. They wouldn't even look at us as they were intent on eating up some little hopping insects.

Riding back to Keystone through the pine woods was quiet and peaceful. We stopped in town for dinner and Judi and I had walleye (sp?), a very mild lake fish. Yummy! Lee's ribs were excellent and their martinis were ice cold and the best they have had in ages. We came back here to the Holiday Inn Express and planned our adventures for tomorrow. We are heading east on I90 to Chamberlain. On the way we are stopping at the Badlands National Park. Our NPS Senior passes continue to save us a bit of change. Take note, all you oldsters out there! We agreed that today was a superior day in the midst of all those other superior days. We pinch ourselves often and marvel at where we are and what we are doing. Lee isn't coughing so much today and I think I am on the downhill side of the cold. The jury is still out on poor Judi.
Hope all is well with everyone. Love, the Gotta Go Girls

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

From Dickinson to Mt. Rushmore

It has been a great day with lots of new sights and sounds. We continue to be a bit on overload. Left Dickinson,ND this morning and headed south. That was pretty much a straight line with just a couple of curves. Check out the picture of me with the road sign. We got out of the car, stretched our legs, talked to the cows in the field, and changed drivers. Must have been alongside the road for over 10 minutes and only one car went by.

Can't say the same for the area we are in tonight. Stopped in Deadwood, South Dakota and went to Kevin Costner's bison gallery which is called Tatanka. It was beautiful. He comissioned the bronze statues and has built an interperative center and installed these magnificent "creatures" simulating a buffalo hunt by the Lakota Sioux. It is so quiet and peaceful and what a wonderful place to think about how we harm the earth but we can also make it better, perhaps not on the scale Costner has done but we can all certainly do our part. I wish I had looked at his movie, "Dances With Wolves" again before I came. Will certainly do that when I get home.

The elevation of Deadwood is 4,000 feet and I was huffing and puffing as we walked around town. We had lunch in another of Costner's establishments, Diamond Lil's, and for the first time had a buffalo burger. It was quite tasty. Deadwood is full of gambling casinos, curio shops, candy stores, and there is even a shootout on the main street. After the buffalo burgers we felt the need for a little sweet so found the ice cream shop. Strangers are very willing to take your picture if you ask, and sometimes even if you don't. Gave us a chance to chat with a couple from Alberta, Canada. We took the tour up to the cemetary to see Wild Bill Hickok's grave, but the entire Deadwood experience was a little toooooo commercial. We had a moment of panic when we got ready to leave and couldn't find our car in the parking garage! We are going to have to do better than that when we hit the big city.

The trip from Deadwood to Keystone which is 2 miles from Mt. Rushmore is through pine covered mountains and takes less than an hour. We are staying at another Holiday Inn Express and it is very nice. It is a suite which means it is a larger room with a little half divider and a couch. Lots of room for us to move around and worth it since we will be here two nights.

This evening we went to Mt. Rushmore to see the lighting of the statues. It was very impressive and inspiring. We're going back tomorrow to see it in the day time and then a car tour around the area, Crazy Horse Monument, and Custer State Park.

I'm calling it a night. Lee and Judi are asleep and I'm not far behind. Lee's cold (my old one) is awful and Judi feels she is a sitting duck! Hope all is well with everyone.

With love, Gerry

Monday, September 3, 2007

Pictures (again)

From top left to right to bottom. I really have to figure out how to arrange these pictures!
1. The entrance to the Sherman Inn. Wolf Point
2. Main street of Wolf Point. Monday morning, Sept 3.
3. The grain elevator where we were busted
4. The Badlands. Pictures don't do it justice
5. Teddy Roosevelt's Montana cabin built for him before he was president.
6. Montana Historical markers. We pull over and read most of the them.
7. Judi and some of the miles of farm machinery we have seen.
8. The lake formed by the Ft. Peck Dam. Missouri R. flows into this.
9. Dinosaur exhibit at Ft. Peck Visitor Center
10. Some animals we haven't seen but are on the plains.


Wolf Point, Montana to Dickinson, North Dakota

After a beautiful drive through the wheat fields of Northern Montana we found the quaint brick Sherman Hotel in Wolf Point had burned to the ground and been replaced by a squat rather ugly building. We were sure things had turned sour. Wrong! Initial impressions were soon overcome by the lovely warm welcome by the large number of Indian employees at the hotel. Our room was clean and large, and a steak dinner in the hotel dining room was superb! The internet connection was down (oh, darn) so I had to read. (sigh)
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Had an equally good breakfast this morning and then wandered all over the little town of Wolf Point where Lee's husband was born and lived until he was about 13. It is on an Indian reservation so the standard of living of many people is very low. But there is a beautiful new High School and city services seem to be up to par. In fact, Police Officer Combs who stopped us was very friendly and his police cruiser was a very new model with really pretty blue and white lights on the top! Seems as we were driving all around taking pictures we had been noticed. Judi pulled to the left side of the street so Lee could take a picture of the Wolf Point Grain elevator and Officer Combs didn't think that was a good idea. The fact that we had met fewer than a dozen cars as we drove around town this Labor Day morning made us feel parking on the opposite side of the "traffic" would be ok. We all three looked very contrite and he did say we had attracted a bit of attention. He gave us a warning, said he had a sister who lived in Porterville, California, and declined to have his picture taken for the blog. He waved us on our way and said to drive carefully. Yes, sir, Officer Combs! On that exciting note we got the "hell out of Dodge", or rather Wolf Point.

A high point of the drive from Havre to Wolf Point the day before had been a stop at the Ft. Peck Dam. The dam is on the Missouri River and was a WPA project started in 1935. It did give a huge shot in the arm to the local economy, controlled the Missouri River, and brought a lot of hydroelectic power to the area. Like Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery we marveled at the beautiful country and endless vistas from this site on the Big Muddy. The Visitor's center was full of wonderful dinosaur exhibits as well as lots of other animals who still live on the plains. The tour of the dam was very interesting and Lee told us about a couple of Leo's relatives who had worked there in the 1930's. If you are ever in northern Montana be sure to stop. We were there on Sunday and the last day of the touring season was today, Labor Day. There is a security concern that may eliminate the dam tours next year. I hope not! Everyone should see what a lot of determination and hard work can accomplish.

This morning after Officer Combs kicked us out of Wolf Point (just kidding) we headed south to North Dakota. We sympathized with anyone who was stuck in Labor Day traffic as we hardly met any cars on the road. We drove south to Interstate 94 where we headed east to Dickinson ND. Roads were straight as a string and it is hard to keep the Avalon under 90! I set the cruise control as I didn't want another run in with the law!

And then we were in the Badlands! The mountains, buttes, mesas, coulees, hummocks, ridges, valleys, are amazing! We stopped at the visitor's center in Teddy Roosevelt National Park. The visitor center was well done and the cabin in the pictures was built for TR in the 1880's. It has been moved to the park from a few miles south but you almost can see him sitting in the rocking chair next to the pot bellied stove. The little town of Medora made me think of a cowboy version of Carmel. We could have spent much more time there, but on to Dickinson, ND before we head into the Badlands in earnest tomorrow. First stop--Deadwood! No more is it like the Deadwood of HBO, Wild Bill Hickok, or Calamity Jane fame! It is a gambling resort but we are going to poke around and see if we can find a bit of history. Staying very close to Mt. Rushmore for the next 2 nights. Will be looking up George Washington's nose to see if I can find Cary Grant. Will post some pictures after this is published. I live in fear I will hit the wrong key and have to write everything all over again like I did the other night.

Love to all, The Gotta Go Girls

Oh, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that my cold is much better. The bad news? Lee's got it. Guess poor Judi will be next.