This car was in the "Automobile Museum" at Graceland. This Pink Cadillac was a favorite of his mother and for that reason Elvis kept it even after she died.
There go those GGG's looking for another mode of transportation!
Elvis's grave is situated behind the house next to the swimming pool. We found that a bit odd but makes it very handy for the tourists. Fresh flowers, potted plants, boquets of silk and plastic flowers continue to arrive on a regular basis. They are kept until they are wilted or show signs of weathering and are then disposed of. Around August at the anniversary of his death and also at his birthday great numbers of things arrive. Buried along side him are his mother, father, and grandmother.
The gravesite from the other side of the fountain. I think I see a couple of the Gotta Go Girls there!
One of the many displays showing the Presley's wedding outfits. We loved seeing so many clothes, personal items, jewelry, along with music and awards.
A display of some of the jewelry Elvis wore. Quite a lot of bling!
This shows a number of the rooms in the house that are open to the public. It is definitely 70's decor with a bit of outlandish and very expensive furniture. Some decorator had a lot of fun and made a lot of money!
For lunch in the Rock-a-Billy Cafe I had one of Elvis's favorite sandwiches--Grilled peanut butter and banana on white bread! Yum-o!
The living room is at the entrance to the house. The small picture is of his mother and father. The room is decorated in white and royal blue with lots of mirrors and glass.
The kitchen where lots of meals were cooked for the many people who lived there or were just visiting. Notice the Harvest Gold Refrigerator! Don't we all remember that lovely color from the 70's
Here in the TV room the walls and ceilings are covered in mirrors. Also in the room are comfy couches, a fireplace and three TV's. The royal blue and yellow decor is the same as in the living room upstairs. This room also has a bar. Not exactly what I would call a relaxing room.
The heavily carved and fake fur upholstered chair was in the jungle room/family room. Elvis also did some recording in this room, which was the reason for the carpeting on the ceiling. And another of those spiffy colors from the 70's. The chair was quite outrageous with all the carving. This room was really campy, hokey, bizzare (choose one or all the descriptive words)
You really get a sense of the importance of Elvis Presley to the music world and how he lived in this outrageous place. For a poor kid from Tupulo Mississippi he made his mark on the world. But Graceland reflects more than just money and what it can buy. There are glimpses of a kind and generous man with a mountain of talent. There were certainly excesses that cut him down too early in his life and for that we can feel sadness. From the crazy furniture to the White Cloude Rolls to the pair of jet airplanes, he was one of a kind and they don't made many like him. The Gotta Go Girls were glad to join the three-quarters of a million people yearly who stop by Graceland to pay their respects.
Tomorrow will check in from the Clinton Presidential Library. Nighty night from the GGG's
Well just a few observations before I log off and go to bed early.
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