Sunday, September 23, 2007

Picture Perfect Vermont

Will be downloading pictures all night!!!
From the bottom up which is sort of chronological:
1. Judi at a Bennington covered bridge.
2. Hand vases at the Bennington Museum
3. Glassware, pressed and cut
4. Antique Bennington Pottery
5. Fall color just beginning
6. Vermont Country Store! What a kick!
7. Manchester Vermont marble sidewalks
8. Bennington Old First Church
9. Quilt Lady Jane (?) pattern
10. Jerry Seinfeld's e-bay collection
11. Vermont Governor's e-bay collection
12. Gerry-Carousel self-portrait
13. Judi and Lee--Ride 'em cowboy!
14. Early 1900's carousel
15. Chandelier made of pingpong balls
16. New quilts made by Vermont quilters
17. Quilter Rosie Lee Tompkins
18. Close-up Amish hand quilting
19. Gerry and some Amish quilts
20. The Ticonderoga
21. The Lighthouse
22. Columbus (A circus parade figure) hitting Gerry on the head
23. 19th century whirligig
24. Grandma Moses painting
25. Shaker inspired dairy barn for 60 cows
26. Glass canes (Go figure!)
27. Lila Vanderbilt Webb and her son
28. Shaker boxes
29. Shaker chairs
30. Shaker furniture exhibit
Well, now that you have gone to sleep looking at pictures from our trip...... Choosing just 30 images from the last 2 days has taken me a couple of hours!!!! We have seen sooooooo much it is hard to pick and choose what to share. Truly one of those "You had to be there " moments.
The highlights of the last couple of days...We left Schnectady very early as we knew we had a long day planned. Little did we know how long! The drive into Vermont was brief but we made a couple of stops and finally arrived at the Bennington Museum with its wonderful collection of Grandma Moses pictures. As well as the Grandma Moses exhibit there was the Bennington flag which flew to commemorate the Revolutionary Battle of Bennington, wonderful exhibits of pressed glass, antique pottery which the area was famous for, a beautiful 1800 pieced and appliqued quilt, the author of the quilt book giving a three day class on making this gorgeous quilt, farm implements, furniture, and all the other wonderful old stuff we love.
After visiting the beautiful Old First Church where they were getting ready for a wedding, we drove around and found three covered bridges that are still very much a part of the road system today. Headed out of town for Weston and the Vermont Country Store. It was a beautiful drive through the Green Mountains and what a shopping experience! Walnettos, toys I haven't seen in years, long underwear, Evening in Paris perfume, etc, etc, etc! I hadn't seen the catalog but it is a favorite of Lee and Judi.
Tore ourselves away from there and headed north to Burlington. Glad we had a reservation or we might have been sleeping in the car. There was a big roadster car show going on and the place was jumping! We fell in to bed! We had decided that we would stay another night in Burlington so were a bit liesurely this morning.
Today we arrived at opening time for the Shelburne Museum. It was an awesome place and I would refer you to www.shelburnefarms .org for the quilts, buildings, artifacts, food, early American art, weather vanes, it was endless!!!! We planned to stay 4 hours and it ended up 6!
Which brings up another issue. This is fun communicating with everyone every night but it is getting to be too big a job! Will have to skip a night here and there so don't think we have plunged off the road into a ravine or been kidnapped by aliens.
Tomorrow we aren't leaving until we have had breakfast at Shelburne Farm overlooking Lake Champlaine . It is an old estate and very elegant. Will have to get out something sort of nice to wear! On to laundry, packing, route choosing, oh and don't forget sleeping!!!!!
Nighty night from the Gotta Go Girls

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