Monday, October 1, 2007

From the top down:

1. and 2. Sandwich glass from the glass factory in Sandwich, Massachusetts.

3. Relaxing with all the Weedons

4. Wapanoag native girl sharing her talents

5. Plimoth Plantation "house"

6. Hanging on in the wind

7. The Mayflower II

8. Plymouth Rock (yes, we were there)

Well it is almost time to leave Boston but had one more adventure today. Headed out this morning armed with very explicit directions so as to not have a repeat of yesterday. We agreed that if we should find ourselves in the Big Dig again with trucks bearing down on us and we're heading north when we are trying to head south we would just pull over and shoot ourselves. Even though we finally found our way yesterday it was a very frustrating experience. Well! We did just fine until we were within a couple of miles of Bob and Susan's house. Missed several streets but Judi is getting good at stopping and turning around. Unfortunately you can't do that in a tunnel when the traffic is moving at about 70MPH.

Our first stop was Plimoth Plantation. It is a reconstruced settler village as well as a Wapanoag native village. It was interesting and we were particularly taken with the Native Americans and their presentation of their culture. The English settlers were in costume and character and it took a little getting used to.

After a couple of hours there and paying our dues at the gift shop we headed to the Mayflower II. You really get the idea of the amount of room, or lack off, they endured on the crossing of the Atlantic. It was a blustery day and nicely appropriate.

Continuing down the coast road we drove part way onto Cap Code. Things were pretty quiet on a Monday in October. We could only imagine the traffic and people on a summer weekend. In fact we were starving and had to drive a bit to find a restaurant. Never underestimate the Gotta Go Girls when it comes to finding food though. Had a great dinner at a waterside restaurant. We were surprised at the extent of the marsh land we drove past. I was thinking beaches and waves like the Oregon coast. Noooo! Very different!!!!

The drive back to Wellsley was uneventful and after a couple of bobbles we pulled into the Weedon's driveway. Bob and Susan and the dogs were watching television and it was fun to sit down and visit. The time passed all too quickly and now I am trying to get ready to go in the morning. We have had a wonderful time with Bob and Susan and hopefully they will be in Watsonville one of these days. Can't thank them enough for their hospitality and expecially driving us around Boston. How fortunate we have been from Kalispell, Montana, to St. Paul Minnesota, to Wellsley Massachusetts to visit with old friends and relatives. Hoping to have dinner tomorrow with June Ivelich Pierce and her husband. We are missing some people along the way which makes us sad but we must soldier on!

Rhode Island and the Breakers tomorrow. The way we were meant to live!

Love and goodnight from the Gotta Go Girls.

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